The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
South America

U.S. consular officials in Brazil

Honorary consuls in U.S. territories representing Brazil

   Aracaju: Luiz Schmidt (Consular Agent 1889-1905)
   Bahia (Salvador): Henry Hill (Consul 1805-18) — George H. Duder (Vice Consul as of 1880-84) — Richard A. Edes (Consul as of 1880) — John B. Weaver (Consul as of 1883-84) — David N. Burke (Consul 1888-91) — R. P. McDaniel (Consul as of 1897) — William Brice (Vice Consul as of 1897) — Louis J. Mackay (Vice Consul as of 1898-99) — Henry W. Furniss (Consul 1898-1905) — Adolph Hirsch (Vice Consul 1900-02) — Joshua P. W. Rowe (Vice Consul as of 1904-06) — Albert R. Morawetz (Consul 1906-07) — Pierre Paul Demers (Consul 1909) — Southard P. Warner (Consul 1909-11) — Omar E. Mueller (Vice & Deputy Consul 1909-11) — David R. Birch (Consul 1912-14) — Edward P. W. Duder (Vice & Deputy Consul 1913-14) — Robert Frazer, Jr. (Consul 1914-16) — Jules Charles Wysard (Vice Consul as of 1916-17) — Edward Higgins (Consul 1916-19) — Albert G. Coffin, Jr. (Vice Consul 1917-18) — Thomas H. Bevan (Consul 1919-23) — William I. Jackson (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Homer Brett (Consul 1923-24) — Gaston A. Cournoyer (Vice Consul as of 1924) — Howard Donovan (Consul as of 1926-29) — Allan Dawson (Vice Consul as of 1926-27) — John R. Minter (Consul as of 1927) — Lawrence P. Briggs (Consul as of 1932) — Robert Janz (Consul as of 1938-40) — Lester Sockwell (Vice Consul as of 1940) — Peter J. Raineri (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Jay Walker (Consul as of 1943) — Robert Jakes III (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Kenneth J. Yearns (Consul as of 1949)
   Belo Horizonte: Reginald S. Castleman (Consul as of 1943)
   Ceará (Fortaleza): George Holderness (Consular Agent as of 1884) — William H. Mardock (Consular Agent as of 1897) — Antonio E. da Frota (Consular Agent 1897-1914) — Oscar H. Barnett (Consular Agent 1914-17) — George L. MacMaster (Consular Agent 1919-25) — André George Gradvohl (Consular Agent 1932-33)
   Corumbá: William Langdon Sands (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Curityba (Curitiba): Lucien Buck (Consular Agent 1918)
   Florianópolis: William Preston Rambo (Vice Consul as of 1943) — George L. Phillips (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Fortaleza: Reginald S. Kazanjian (Consul as of 1943) — Richard A. Godfrey (Vice Consul as of 1949)
   Maceió: Theodore Braasch (Consular Agent as of 1884) — Charles Goble (Consular Agent 1892-1902) — Oscar Falcão (Consular Agent as of 1904) — George Simpson (Consular Agent 1908-11)
   Manaos: F. G. Alden (Consular Agent as of 1884) — John C. Redman (Consular Agent 1897-1902) — George E. Pell (Consular Agent as of 1904-05) — John H. Hamilton (Consular Agent 1905-11) — Frederic H. Sanford (Consular Agent 1912-14) — Edward B. Kirk (Consular Agent 1914-18) — James H. Roth (Vice Consul as of 1924) — George E. Seltzer (Vice Consul as of 1926-27) — Hubert Maness (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Maranhao (São Luís): J. J. Tavares (Consular Agent as of 1884) — Luiz F. da S. Santos (Consular Agent 1891-99) — Joquim B. do Prado (Consular Agent as of 1904) — Joaqium M. A. dos Santos (Consular Agent 1908-18) — Antonio Jose Tavares (Consular Agent as of 1924)
   Natal: Lyle Nelson (Consular Agent as of 1884) — Henry J. Green (Consular Agent 1902) — Henry J. Green (Consular Agent 1904-11) — Harold Sims (Vice Consul as of 1943)
   Pará (Belém): Robert T. Clayton (Consul as of 1884) — Richard E. Sears (Vice Consul as of 1884-97) — James M. Ayers (Consul 1891-93) — George G. Mathews, Jr. (Consul 1893-97) — Kavanaugh K. Kenneday (Consul 1898-1902) — Julius F. Tiedeman (Vice & Deputy Consul 1898-1905) — Louis H. Aymé (Consul 1903-06) — William R. Cox (Deputy Consul 1906-14) — George H. Pickerell (Consul 1906-24) — Julius Weinberger (Vice & Deputy Consul 1908-11) — Edward C. Holden (Vice Consul 1912-27) — Ramon I. Janer (Vice Consul as of 1916-17) — James Henry Nunn (Vice Consul 1918) — John D. Long (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Joseph F. McGurk (Consul 1922) — John D. Hickerson (Consul 1925) — R. Frazier Potts (Vice Consul as of 1926) — Charles D. Westcott (Consul as of 1926) — Gerald A. Drew (Vice Consul 1928-30) — George E. Seltzer (Consul as of 1932-38) — Parker T. Hart (Vice Consul 1940-43) — Jay Walker (Vice Consul as of 1940) — John H. Burns (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Edward D. McLaughlin (Consul as of 1943) — Fred Godsey (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Willard R. Ray (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Dudley E. Cyphers (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Randolph Appleton Kidder (Consul as of 1944-46) — George T. Colman (Consul as of 1949)
   Paraíba: Asa C. Prindle (Consul as of 1883) — Aaron Cahn (Consular Agent as of 1884)
   Penedo: Luiz Cravo (Consular Agent as of 1884)
   Pernambuco (Recife): Samuel S. Voorhees (Consul 1815) — Joseph Ray (Consul 1816-20) — James H. Bennett (Consul 1820-25) — John Tucker Mansfield (Consul 1825-36) — Joseph Ray (Consul 1836-42) — G. T. Snow (Consul 1842-45) — George P. Manouvrier (Consul 1845-47) — C. G. Salinas (Consul 1847-49) — Bailey M. Edney (Consul 1849-50) — James Wright Gordon (Consul 1850-53) — William Lilley (Consul 1853-56) — Walter W. Stopp (Consul 1858-60) — Richard A. Edes (Consul 1860-62) — Thomas Adamson, Jr. (Consul 1862-69) — Henry L. Atherton (Consul as of 1883-84) — Thomas N. Swift (Vice Consul as of 1884) — David N. Burke (Consul 1893) — John Krause (Vice Consul 1893-1902) — John M. Johnstone (Consul as of 1897) — Benjamin F. Clark (Consul as of 1898) — Edwin N. Gunsaulus (Consul 1900-01) — Enrique Bachilleres (Vice & Deputy Consul 1902-14) — William L. Sewell (Consul as of 1903-05) — George A. Chamberlain (Consul 1906-09) — Louis James Rosenberg (Consul 1909-10) — P. Merrill Griffith (Consul 1910-15) — James B. Stewart (Vice Consul 1915-17) — Arminius T. Haeberle (Consul 1915-19) — Edward Power (Vice Consul 1918-21) — Charles R. Cameron (Consul 1920-23) — Elliott V. Richardson (Consul 1923-24) — Nathaniel P. Davis (Consul 1925-29) — Frederik van den Arend (Consul 1929-32) — Aloys J. Neu (Vice Consul as of 1932) — George J. Haering (Consul 1933-37) — Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. (Consul 1937-38) — Harold Sims (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — Walter J. Linthicum (Vice Consul as of 1940) — Donald W. Lamm (Vice Consul 1942-47) — J. Thomas Rae (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Robert Bruce Harley (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Leo J. Callanan (Consul as of 1943) — George E. Miller (Consul as of 1949)
   Porto Alegre: Anthony Sherman (Vice Consul 1918) — Samuel T. Lee (Consul 1918-23) — Joseph E. Agan (Vice Consul as of 1921) — William F. Hoffman (Vice Consul as of 1921-24) — John R. Bradley (Consul as of 1924) — Fred E. Huhlein (Vice Consul as of 1926-27) — E. Kitchel Farrand (Vice Consul as of 1926) — Charles Roy Nasmith (Consul as of 1927-29) — Robert D. Coe (Vice Consul as of 1929) — Alfred W. Magnitzky (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Reginald S. Castleman (Consul as of 1932) — Henry S. Haines (Vice Consul 1933) — Guy W. Ray (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — Francis C. Jordan (Vice Consul as of 1940) — William E. Price (Vice Consul as of 1943) — George R. Hukill (Consul as of 1943) — William Belton (Consul as of 1949)
   Rio de Janeiro: Henry Hill (Consul 1818-21) — Gorham Parks (Consul as of 1845-49) — Edward Kent (Consul 1849-53) — James Monroe (Consul 1862-70) — Thomas Adamson, Jr. (Consul General as of 1879) — Christopher Columbus Andrews (Consul General 1882-85) — James H. Murray (Vice & Deputy Consul General as of 1884) — William T. Townes (Consul General as of 1897) — John Taylor Lewis (Vice & Deputy Consul General as of 1897-98) — Reuben Cleary (Deputy Consul General as of 1897) — Wolff Havelburg (Deputy Consul General as of 1898) — Will L. Lowrie (Vice & Deputy Consul General 1899-1901) — Eugene Seeger (Consul General 1902-06) — Edward Winslow Ames (Vice Consul General as of 1902) — Frank Edward Halle (Deputy Consul General as of 1902) — Roger S. Greene (Vice Consul 1903-04) — George A. Chamberlain (Vice & Deputy Consul General 1904) — Lilbourne C. Irvine (Vice Consul General as of 1905) — George E. Anderson (Consul General 1906-10) — Joseph J. Slechta (Deputy Consul General 1906-08) — Joseph J. Slechta (Vice & Deputy Consul General 1908-11) — Julius G. Lay (Consul General 1910-14) — Frank G. Lewis (Deputy Consul General 1911) — Albro L. Burnell (Vice & Deputy Consul General 1912-14) — Samuel W. Honaker (Deputy Consul General 1913-14) — Richard P. Momsen (Deputy Consul General 1913-14) — Richard P. Momsen (Vice Consul 1915-18) — Edward A. Burgess (Vice Consul as of 1916-17) — Alfred L. M. Gottschalk (Consul General 1916-18) — Augustus I. Hasskarl (Vice Consul 1917-18) — Arminius T. Haeberle (Consul 1919-23) — George T. Colman (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Swain Smith (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Louis B. Pate (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Curtis E. Huebner (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Alphonse Gaulin (Consul General 1921-26) — Edmund B. Montgomery (Consul 1922-24) — George Tait (Vice Consul 1923-25) — John D. Hickerson (Vice Consul as of 1924) — Howard Donovan (Vice Consul as of 1924) — Fred C. Eastin, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1924-26) — Theodore A. Xanthaky (Vice Consul as of 1924-32) — Robert R. Bradford (Consul 1924-28) — Allan Dawson (Vice Consul as of 1925-26) — Rudolf E. Cahn (Vice Consul 1925-43) — Digby A. Willson (Consul as of 1926) — Samuel R. Thompson (Consul as of 1927-29) — Joseph F. Burt (Vice Consul as of 1927-29) — Archer Woodford (Vice Consul as of 1927) — Claude I. Dawson (Consul General as of 1927-31) — Randolph F. Carroll (Consul 1928-29) — Fred E. Huhlein (Vice Consul as of 1929) — Samuel T. Lee (Consul General 1929-36) — Harold B. Minor (Vice Consul as of 1932) — H. Eric Trammell (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Julian L. Pinkerton (Consul as of 1932) — Emil Sauer (Consul General 1935) — Henry S. Villard (Consul 1935-36) — William E. Beitz (Consul 1936-39) — Robert F. Woodward (Vice Consul as of 1938) — Maurice L. Stafford (Consul as of 1938) — Richard D. Gatewood (Vice Consul as of 1938) — William C. Burdett (Consul General as of 1939-40) — Elim O'Shaughnessy (Vice Consul 1939-43) — Marcel E. Malige (Consul as of 1940) — Ware Adams (Consul as of 1940) — Randolph Harrison, Jr. (Consul as of 1940) — Philip P. Williams (Vice Consul as of 1940) — Roger L. Heacock (Vice Consul as of 1940) — Robert F. Corrigan (Vice Consul 1941-43) — John F. Simmons (Consul General as of 1943) — U. Alexis Johnson (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Walter C. Dowling (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Walter W. Hoffmann (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Forrest N. Daggett (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Theodore C. Weber (Vice Consul as of 1943) — William S. Rosenberg (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Timothy John Mahoney (Vice Consul as of 1943) — William G. Gibson (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Charles Edward Eaton (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Elvin Seibert (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Ivan B. White (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. (Consul 1943) — Prescott Childs (Consul as of 1943) — Jack B. Neathery (Vice Consul as of 1943) — William E. Flournoy, Jr. (Consul as of 1943) — Leonard Michael Durso (Vice Consul 1945) — Hiram A. Boucher (Consul General 1945-47) — Clarence A. Boonstra (Consul General 1970-74)
   Rio Grande do Sul: Alfred H. Hanscom (Consul 1854-57) — Deodat Brastow (Consul 1862-63) — Beckford Mackey (Consul as of 1884-85) — William August Preller (Vice Consul as of 1884) — Jorge Vereker (Consular Agent 1897-1911) — Gustav C. Feddersen (Consular Agent 1913-14) — Samuel T. Lee (Consul 1916-18) — Anthony Sherman (Vice Consul as of 1917) — Ardery Hudgens (Consular Agent 1918) — Arthur L. Bowen (Consular Agent as of 1924-32) — Joseph Ashbrook (Consular Agent as of 1940) — Eugene C. Pfiffner (Consular Agent as of 1943-49)
   Santos: William T. Wright (Consul as of 1883-84) — Henry Broad (Vice Consul as of 1884) — Henry C. Smith (Consul 1893-96) — Frank D. Hill (Consul 1896-97) — Julian Haugwitz (Vice Consul as of 1897-98) — John J. Girimondi (Consul 1900-01) — William H. Lawrence (Vice Consul 1901-21) — Jesse H. Johnson (Consul 1901-07) — Jay White (Consul 1909-11) — James W. Reeves (Vice & Deputy Consul 1910-14) — Maddin Summers (Consul 1913-14) — Charles L. Latham (Consul 1915) — Carl F. Deichman (Consul 1915-18) — Arthur G. Parsloe (Vice Consul 1918-49) — William F. Curtin (Vice Consul 1918) — Herndon W. Goforth (Vice Consul 1921-23) — Herndon W. Goforth (Consul 1923-25) — Fred D. Fisher (Consul 1926-30) — Willard Galbraith (Vice Consul 1932-33) — James V. J. Griffin (Vice Consul 1945)
   São Luís: Wiley T. Clay (Consular Agent as of 1943) — Thomas Moses (Consular Agent as of 1949)
   Sao Paulo: William E. Lee (Consular Agent 1908-14) — Robert L. Keiser (Vice Consul as of 1916-17) — Maddin Summers (Consul as of 1916) — Charles L. Hoover (Consul 1916-20) — George T. Colman (Vice Consul 1918-19) — Archie William Childs (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Arminius T. Haeberle (Consul 1923-25) — Archer Woodford (Vice Consul as of 1924) — Herndon W. Goforth (Consul 1925-27) — Walter C. Thurston (Consul as of 1926) — Charles R. Cameron (Consul 1926-30) — R. Frazier Potts (Consul as of 1927) — Walter N. Walmsley, Jr. (Vice Consul 1928-31) — Louis H. Gourley (Consul 1928-31) — John T. Wainwright (Vice Consul as of 1929) — Ezra M. Lawton (Consul 1929) — Charles R. Cameron (Consul General 1930-33) — Frederic C. Fornes, Jr. (Vice Consul 1930-33) — Willard Galbraith (Vice Consul 1931-33) — Sherburne Dillingham (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Carol H. Foster (Consul General 1934-40) — John Hubner II (Vice Consul 1937-43) — Reginald S. Kazanjian (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — William E. Flournoy, Jr. (Vice Consul 1938-39) — T. Muldrup Forsyth (Vice Consul as of 1938-40) — Reginald S. Castleman (Consul 1939-40) — Frederick J. Cunningham (Vice Consul as of 1940) — Cecil M. P. Cross (Consul General 1941-49) — George T. Colman (Vice Consul as of 1943) — W. Garland Richardson (Consul as of 1943) — Sydney B. Redecker (Consul as of 1943) — Francis C. Jordan (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Frederic C. Fornes, Jr. (Consul as of 1943) — Robert F. Corrigan (Consul General as of 1970-71) — Frederic L. Chapin (Consul General 1972-78)
   Victoria: Jean Zinzen (Consular Agent 1890-1917) — Laurence S. Andrews (Consular Agent 1917-18) — Joseph Hoffay (Consular Agent as of 1924) — John W. Brunk (Vice Consul as of 1926-27) — Robert J. Clarke (Vice Consul as of 1929-38) — Willard Galbraith (Vice Consul 1933) — Percy G. Kemp (Vice Consul as of 1940) — V. Harwood Blocker, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1943) — Williams Beal (Vice Consul as of 1949)
   Baltimore, Md.: C. Oliver O'Donnell (Vice Consul 1864-76) Léonce Rabillon (Commercial Agent 1903-07) George William Chester (Consul as of 1929) William Everett Craig (Vice Consul as of 1929) Pablo Alegre (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
   Boston, Mass.: Jayme Mackay=de=Almeida (Vice Consul 1901-07) Pedro Mackay=de=Almeida (Commercial Agent 1901-16) Jayme Mackay=de=Almeida (Honorary Consul 1924-38) Pedro Mackay=de=Almeida (Honorary Vice Consul 1929-36)
   Brunswick, Ga.: John R. Cook (Vice Consul 1877-96) Walter B. Cook (Vice Consul 1900-07) E. D. Walter (Honorary Commercial Agent 1903-07)
   Calais, Maine: William A. Murchie (Vice Consul 1877-1907)
   Charleston, S.C.: Eugene Huchet (Vice Consul 1866-77) Charles F. Huchet (Vice Consul 1884-1902) Robert G. Rhett, Jr. (Vice Consul as of 1926) A. Beauregard Betancourt (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
   Chicago, Ill.: Albert Joseph Meserow (Vice Consul as of 1935)
   Cleveland, Ohio: Carlos W. Brand (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1926-29)
   Fernandina, Fla.: Devereux Bacon (Vice Consul 1905-07) John Brown Gordon Hall (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1929)
   Galveston, Tex.: José Faus=Esteve (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) E. H. Ivey (Consular Agent as of 1935)
   Gulfport, Miss.: Walter Foster (Vice Consul 1905-07)
   Honolulu, Hawaii: Antonio Daniel Castro (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Jacksonville, Fla.: Joel H. Tucker (Vice Consul as of 1929)
   Los Angeles, Calif.: James M. Sheridan (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1929-35) Armando Fleury=de=Barros (Honorary Consul as of 1935)
   Louisville, Ky.: Thomas S. Tuley (Vice Consul as of 1929)
   Mobile, Ala.: Luis M. Moragues (Vice Consul 1901-05) T. G. McGonigal (Commercial Agent 1903-07) T. G. McGonigal (Consul as of 1929)
   New Orleans, La.: Charles Dittmann (Vice Consul 1898-1907) Louis Emmanuel Dittmann (Commercial Agent 1901-07)
   Newport News, Va.: Harry Keitz (Vice Consul as of 1926)
   Norfolk, Va.: Myer Myers (Vice Consul 1864-77) Barton Myers (Vice Consul 1884-1907) Frank A. Gilbert (Commercial Agent 1903-07)
   Panama Canal Zone: Jorge Arias=Feroud (Honorary Consul as of 1935) Pedro Ernesto Arias=Icasa (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
   Pascagoula, Miss.: Vicente Ros (Vice Consul 1898-1905) Andrew Gray (Commercial Agent 1901-29) Manuel Ros (Vice Consul 1905-29)
   Pensacola, Fla.: Manuel F. Gonzalez (Vice Consul 1874-1902) Juan L. Borras (Vice Consul 1902-07) Vincent J. Vidal (Vice Consul as of 1929)
   Philadelphia, Pa.: Edward S. Sayres (Vice Consul 1841-77) John Mason, Jr. (Vice Consul 1877-99) Napoleon Bonaparte Kelly (Vice Consul 1901-07) Henry C. Sheppard (Commercial Agent 1906-07) Henry C. Sheppard (Vice Consul as of 1929)
   Port Arthur, Tex.: Christopher S. Flanagan (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935) Emmet Irwin Welch (Consular Agent as of 1935)
   Richmond, Va.: H. R. Baldwin (Vice Consul 1859-76) George Barksdale (Vice Consul 1900-07) Robert T. Brooke (Commercial Agent 1903-06) Robert T. Brooke (Commercial Agent 1906-UZ )
   St. Louis, Mo.: Fred Wehmiller (Honorary Consul as of 1926) Fred Wehmiller (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1929)
   San Francisco, Calif.: Archibald Barnard (Vice Consul 1903-07) Finlay Cook (Vice Consul as of 1929) Ludwig Mathias Hoefler (Consul as of 1929)
   San Juan, P.R.: Waldemar E. Lee (Vice Consul 1905-29)
   Savannah, Ga.: Joseph J. Wilder (Vice Consul 1873-77) William H. Adams (Vice Consul 1884-1905) F. S. Hincks (Commercial Agent 1903-07) William S. Adams (Vice Consul 1904-07) Lovett R. Potter (Vice Consul as of 1929) Henrique Oswaldo=de=Miranda (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
   Seattle, Wash.: F. B. Carter (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)
   Wilmington, N.C.: Oscar G. Parsley (Vice Consul 1865-94)

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
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  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/ZZ/BZ-consuls.html.  
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What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.